Q: What should I look for in buying my first Realm?
A: Generally speaking, Realms with 3 unique Geo Types have the most flexibility when producing collectibles. High resource scores are also desirable, because they currently yield more $PARTCILE from Exploring. Reference the Realmverse Buyers Guide for more info.
Q: I staked my realm a long time ago and now I can't find it... Where is it at?
A: Don't worry, your realm is safely tucked away in the staking contract. It is easily unstaked by directly interacting with the staking contract. Follow the step by step Unstaking for more info.
Q: What should I look for in buying my first Adventurer of the Void? (AoV)
A: High Transcendence level, high skill traits. Also, limited edition variants might be appealing to some. Reference the Realmverse Buyers Guide for more info.
Q: What type of Collectible should I produce with my Realms?
A: Identify what collectibles and/or structures are most in demand right now. What structures are selling the most on secondary? Do people want to pay homage? What rarity of structure can the average Adventurer use? Realming is a game of identifying economic opportunity and saavy players can reap the rewards of identifying trends and demand.
Q: Why is my Adventurer of the Void showing 'locked' on Trove?
A: These Adventurers are soulbound. Locked Adventurers were gifts from the Realm team and meant to be used to play the game. Locked Adventurers maintain 100% functionality of un-locked Adventurers. You can unlock them to sell by paying the Adventurer of the Void mint price of 0.069 eth
Q: How do I play to earn in the Realmverse?