Anima staking has arrived in the Realmverse!
Stakers can now single side stake Anima, and earn attractive boosts by staking their positions to Realms, as Realm owners compete to have the most attractive staking destination. Realm owners can build their "Anima Refinery Capacity" to earn rewards from Anima staked to their Realm.
This article will introduce the concept of Gamified Anima staking and the key players involved.
Staking introduces a Brand new metric to the Realmverse: Control.
Control measures the ratio of Anima burned over the last 30 days in Realmverse. Anima Staking APR is linked to Control, meaning the more anima is burned via gameplay, the higher the staking rewards. It is in the hands of to players to maintain activity in the Realmverse to maximize rewards.
Anima staking has two roles: Stakers and Realmers. Each role is deeply interconnected, and works together to power the Realm economy. Let's take a look:
Stakers help secure the economic layer of the Realmverse by staking their Anima and boosting their yield by interacting with Realms
Realms are the lands of the Realmverse. They provide the fundamental building blocks and structures that power the economy. Activities include
Transfer of Ownership: If you transfer an Anima Chamber, you are transferring ownership of the staked Anima along with it.
When you stake $ANIMA, you receive an Anima Chamber structure that represents your $ANIMA position. The $ANIMA in the chamber requires 30 days to become a fully active Anima Chamber.
You start accruing $Anima rewards immediately, and can stake the Anima Chamber on a Realm for an added bonus.
$ANIMA is never locked. You can always burn the Anima Chamber and redeem $ANIMA along with the staking rewards.
To unstake Anima, head to the Anima Chambers Management page, select your desired Chambers and hit "Unstake".
When you choose to do that the following happens:
Boosts received from assigning it to a Realm are linearily vested - over 5 days. Stakers will receive full boosts after 5 days of assigning it to a Realm.
Activate a boost for your Anima Chambers by assigning it to a Realm. This will increase the APR of your Chamber.
Realmers build structures to attract activity on their Realm to increase their Productivity score. The Productivity gains of this Realm over a 30-day period determines relative to amount of total Anima staked is your bonus, which can be up to 100% of BASE APR.
Calculation: The boost is based on the ratio of the Realm's productivity gains to the total Anima staked on the Realm. The bonus rises linearly and is capped at 100% when the Productivity gains to $ANIMA staked ratio reaches 5:1.
There is no limit to the amount of Anima that can be staked on a Realm, however the more $ANIMA staked the higher the required Realm productivity to reach the full bonus.
This forces the Realmers to compete for highest productivity in order to get the most $ANIMA staked on their Realms.
Realms that do not create enough productivity gains may see stakers move their Anima Chambers to other, more productive Realms in search of higher boosts.
The 30-day $ANIMA vesting period remains unaffected during transfers.
The following happens when you transfer the Chamber between wallets (this includes transfers and selling your Anima Chamber):
There is a 30 day reward accrual limit. Make sure you collect your rewards every 30 days
Apart from the actions that automatically claim your rewards, you have an option to manually collect your rewards into your wallet. Remember that rewards stop accruing after 30 days, so be sure to collect them monthly.
You can also compound $ANIMA rewards into the Anima Chamber they came from. This skips the vesting period that comes with creating a new Chamber.
$ANIMA vesting accrues over time, accumulating every second. However, should you choose to withdraw your staked $ANIMA, the vesting counter will reset to zero. The vesting period spans a total of 30 days. Consequently, after staking your $ANIMA in the Anima Chamber for the first 30 days, you can collect your first full rewards.
It's important to note that the 30-day vesting period aligns with the 30-day rewards accrual limit. Therefore, to maximize your rewards, you should wait until the end of this 30-day period before making your first collection. Following this initial 30-day period, you can then proceed to claim your rewards daily if you wish.
This system is in place to stop rapid staking and unstaking of $ANIMA based on bursts in the available Rewards Pool.
It's important to note that when Productivity is mentioned below, its talking about 30-day average Productivity gains NOT total Productivity accumulated.
Realms are the "lands" of the Realmverse. They build the resources Adventurers need for their activities. In turn, Realms receive benefits that allow them to earn $ANIMA rewards.
The Realmer's goal is to build up their 30-day average Productivity to attract Stakers to their Realm. In return, Realmers get $ANIMA rewards emitted from their Realm.
Realm rewards use a 30-day average of staked $ANIMA, capped by the current amount of $ANIMA staked. Therefore, Anima Chambers assigned to a Realm take 30 days to fully contribute towards staked $ANIMA rewards. This occurs in daily increments at the reset time, which is midnight UTC.
This system is in place to deter users from temporarily increasing their productivity and inviting many new stakers in a short period, only to stop contributing to the Realm's Productivity gains after receiving the rewards.
If an Anima Chamber is removed from a Realm, the Realmer still receives the accrued $ANIMA rewards. Realmers can also collect their rewards at any time.
Realm side $ANIMA emissions are divided into two categories:
$ANIMA staked within your Anima Refinery capacity - rewarded with same base APR as the stakers, without the boost.
$ANIMA overflow - $ANIMA staked above Anime Refinery capacity - rewards from the overflow $ANIMA are reduced to 20% of the base APR.
You can collect $ANIMA rewards at any time.
Monthly rewards from staking Anima are calculated based on the following factors:
Burn Ratio | Rewards Percent |
100% | 10% |
50% | 5% |
0% | 0% |
For example:
If 4,000,000 Anima is burnt and the burn ratio is 50%, the reward pool size would be 200,000 $ANIMA:
The ratio of $ANIMA staked in both Liquidity Pools and $ANIMA staking affects the whole Realmverse. There will be multiple ways this comes into play in the future. For starters, we're introducing a global LootBox drop chance boost in Adventurer Battles.
Staked Anima Ratio | Max LootBox Drop Chance |
100% | 60% |
50% | 45% |
0% | 30% |
The overall staked ratio is calculated as follows, based on 30-days averages of all the values: