Rift is a temporary event in the Realmverse that allows players to convert $ANIMA in to Crafting Materials.
There are two pricing options, "Monument" and "Void". Void pricing is always available, and monument pricing is based on the availability of staked monuments on Realms.
📅 Schedule: There are no limit on how often a player can use the rift.
For the Adventurer: The rift is a good way for Adventurers to get essential crafting materials. Crafting is an essential for increasing Battle Power, which in turn allows players to increase their Renown via success in battle, therefor earning more $ANIMA rewards.
For the Realmer: Building and staking monuments to be burned in The Rift permenently increases a Realm's Anima Staking Capacity, increasing that realm's inherent productive potential and value.